5 thoughts on “A Reflection on the Network for Public Education’s 10th Anniversary Conference

  1. Pingback: Jan Resseger: Reflecting on the 10th NPE Conference | Diane Ravitch's blog

  2. Thanks for this post. Significant and excellent information on education and its direction in it.

    I’m happy that Betsy DeVos is not Education Sec. no longer. I totally disagreed with and disliked where she wanted to take education in the US. Not fond of NCLB either, nor the race to the top. Of course, what is being done now on local levels in many states seems wholly debilitating to the notions of an educated population capable of critical thinking. Sad, sad, sad.

    It’s a hopeful idea, to lead with shared values, but shared values seems to be a distant idea these days that grows dimmer and dimmer. Even the ideals of freedom, democracy, and separation of church and state seem attacked from within. I hope the speakers are right, and can help correct the nation’s direction by educating our young.

    Thanks for all your efforts. Cheers

  3. Pingback: PEP is Recognized with the Phyllis Bush Award for Grassroots Organizing - Public Education Partners

  4. Pingback: Public Schools: Our Essential Democratic Institution | janresseger

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